Category: General Knowledge About Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding

Two Change Management Models & Strategies: A Comprehensive Guide

Published: April 2, 2024 | Last Updated: April 2, 2024by Jeremy Pollack

Contemporary organizations must rapidly evolve to succeed. The micro and macro environments in which organizations operate today are extremely volatile, and factors such as communication, technology, regulations, and society are changing unprecedentedly. In this era, where change occurs more swiftly than ever, the organizations that stand out are those adept at managing change. Adherence to...

Why is Company Culture Important?

Published: February 23, 2024 | Last Updated: April 11, 2024by Jeremy Pollack

In a business world where disruption is the norm, one factor can make or break an organization: company culture. A strong, positive workplace culture isn’t just a feel-good perk but a strategic business advantage. Studies show that companies with engaged employees perform 21% better financially. Conversely, a toxic company culture costs workplaces a staggering $223...

5 Important Cognitive Biases That Fuel Conflict

Published: September 30, 2023 | Last Updated: December 1, 2023by Jeremy Pollack

In our daily interactions, conflicts often arise due to differences in opinions, values, or beliefs. While these conflicts may seem unavoidable, understanding the underlying cognitive biases can help us navigate through them more effectively. Cognitive biases are inherent shortcuts in our thinking patterns that can lead to distorted judgments and decision-making. In this blog post,...

The term escalation refers to the steps that lead up to a conflict before it reaches the stage of an outright confrontation, resulting in a noisy exchange of insults, physical violence, or the parties spreading negative messages about each other online. Before a war, escalation consists of the parties amassing weapons and exchanging threats and...

Call Center De-Escalation Techniques

Published: August 15, 2023 | Last Updated: September 8, 2023by Jeremy Pollack

Almost everyone has successfully solved a problem by calling a call center, but most people do not truly appreciate the efforts of the call center employees who helped them solve the problem. When their service isn’t working, it’s an emergency and you had better do something about it this instant, but once you fix it,...

Conflicts arise in companies of all sizes. When problems erupt within large organizations, the ripple effects can be felt throughout various departments. And while taking a closer look at power dynamics within your company and finding the right conflict resolutions can be challenging and even uncomfortable, it will benefit your company in the long term....

Managing Conflict in Large-Scale Organizations: Strategies for Success

Published: June 12, 2023 | Last Updated: December 4, 2023by Jon Houston

When running a large-scale organization, there are tons of moving parts to pay attention to. For that reason, most large companies segment everyone into departments and teams, with direct and department-level managers overseeing employees. With such a rigid and segmented workforce, it’s hard to create a cohesive and uniform company culture. Also, with so many...

3 Common Conflict Situations in the Workplace

Published: June 17, 2022 | Last Updated: July 28, 2023by Valerie Dansereau

When conflict happens in the workplace, it can affect productivity and morale. If a conflict between coworkers intensifies and isn’t dealt with, the work environment can become toxic and unpleasant, which can lead to increased absenteeism and turnover. There are several common conflict situations in the workplace. Workstyle Conflicts When staff members are expected to...